Monday, December 21, 2009

What is RSS?

Billboard Feed 256x256 What is RSS?

I’m asked this question all the time and thought it might be a good idea to to define RSS and how it can simplify your life.

Wouldn’t it be easier to keep in touch with TheMoxieMomBlog posts if you could do it in a place you are already visiting? You betcha!
We have given you several ways to subscribe to our posts on this site and receive our updates. The best way and most convenient way is to use RSS Reed. But, what on earth is RSS?

What is RSS?
RSS means “Really Simple Syndication”. Now don’t you feel better being fully informed? RSS technology is used by millions of web users around the globe to keep track of their favorite websites without having to visit each and every single one all the time.
Not that long ago you had to keep track of your favorite website by constantly visiting the website in your browser and manually re-visit them on a consistent basis to see what might have been added.
How RSS Can Simplify Your Life
Instead of you taking your precious time, that would be better spent with your family, you can save time and simplify your life by using RSS Feeds. Put them to work for you. You can see at a glance what is new, what isn’t and read it on your own time in your chosen platform. Quick and easy.
It works like a newsfeed or the stockmarket ticker…
How to Use RSS
Get an RSS Reader. There are a ton of feed readers around with a variety of features. You can choose to use a web based reader like Google Reader and Bloglines or you can use a desktop version like in Microsoft Outlook. Google Reader is very easy so if you are new to RSS you might give it a try first.
The besty way to figure it out is just jump in there with a couple of feeds and give it a go! You will be up and running in seconds.  I have my Google Reader set on my MyGoogle home page so I can catch a glance each time I start up my Firefox browser.
Not Interested in Using an RSS Reader? Email is an Option
I want to make this as easy as possible for you to stay in touch so I have also included the Feed in email form. Just enter your email address in the box and then click enter. Each time we post you will be blessed with an email straight to your PC or web based email client. You can unsubscribe at any time and you email will be kept private and only used for the daily updates. We hate SPAM too!